Remote control pet toy-Personalized Picture Frames | Photo Frames for Pets

Choose Size & Finish: 4 x 6 / Natural Finish 5 x 7 / Natural Finish 4 x 6 / Walnut Finish 5 x 7 / Walnut Finish
Choose Engraving Option: On Wood / Horizontal (pictured) On Wood / Vertical On Plaque / Horizontal (pictured) On Plaque / Vertical
Choose Hook Option: Without Hook With Hook

Personalized pet picture frames are a great way to include a pet as one of the family. Frame that favorite picture of Fido, give a gift to a pet lover, or memorialize a departed companion. Pet photo frames are available with or without an ID tag hook.

These solid wood engraved pet frames are available in a Natural or Walnut finish, and in sizes to fit a 4"x6" or 5"x7" photo. The frame stands by itself or hangs on the wall, horizontally or vertically.

You have your choice of adding a solid brass plaque that is engraved with your information, or having the wood engraved directly. Choose to have a hook added so you can hang your pet's old ID tag!