Wide-base pet water bowl-Oster Size 40 CryogenX Blades

Style Traditional Elite

Oster Size 40 CryogenX Blades

Size 40 Traditional Blade (Model # 078919-016-005)
Size 40 Elite Blade (Model # 078919-506-005)

Oster Size 40 CryogenX Blades (Traditional or Elite) are made with Oster's innovative heat reducing technology and legendary sharp cutting performance to provide the user with the coolest and sharpest blades possible.

The Oster Size 40 Elite CryogenX Blade is further optimized with an expertly applied titanium coating increasing its overall surface hardness, making it the longest wear-resistant blade Oster produces. It's tough cutting edge is hard, but not brittle, with a finish that won't flake or wear off.

Key Uses:

  • Leaves hair 1/100" (0.25mm)
  • Best for extremely close clipper work
  • Ideal for prepping surgical area
  • Use under Oster Universal Combs

NOTE: Oster Size 40 CryogenX Blades fit Oster A6, Golden A5, Turbo A5, Power Max and PowerPro Ultra clipper models.